Future+ Summit of the Future Talk Series
Science New Wave & Cinema
Is there a New Science Wave emerging in cinema? How are artists, scientists and producers working together in the world of digital media?
Join host Dr. Niamh Shaw and special guests Sundance Sloan Prize Winner and Director of Imagine Science Film Festival Alexis Gambis, Oscar Nominated Director & Writer Jim Capobianco and Emmy Award Winning Producer Clare Stronge, as they venture into the Science New Wave emerging in film and arts and how leading producers are making it happen.
About Alexis Gambis
Alexis Gambis is a French-Venezuelan filmmaker and biologist. In 2008, he founded the Imagine Science Film Festival and in 2016, he launched the sister portal Labocine. Coined the “Netflix for Science,” the platform provides a virtual ecosystem to experience science cinema in all its flavors. As a recipient of the 2019 TED Fellowship, he makes a case for more science in fiction to humanise the scientist in the public eye.
Supported by Accenture’s The Dock, this event is part of our Future+ 2021 Summit of the Future virtual talk series where we bring together exciting new voices from the worlds of science, arts, design & technology. Meet the people inventing and designing the future of how we live, work, and play.
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